Monday, 19 December 2011

South East London Mumpreneurs Businessmums Workshop - 24th May 2012 'How to write a press release and gain media coverage.

The workshop is being led by experienced journalist and media tutor Nikki Spencer, who will examine the media opportunities in all areas of the media, and include practical advice on writing press releases and approaching publications.

What previous particpants have said about the workshop:

“A fantastic workshop. I was rather daunted by the idea of approaching the media but emerged full of insights, tips and inspiration.” Lara Milanova -

“PR was all new to me but my very first press release resulted in a full page article in a national magazine.” Claire Jones - Medlar and Cobb garden design -

Event details: Businessmum’s Workshop 'How to get media coverage for your business'.
Date: Thursday 24th May  2012 10-2.30pm
Venue: Blackheath (venue tbc)
Lunch: Sandwiches and tea/coffee
Cost: Only £55 per person

Nikki Spencer is a media tutor, freelance journalist and former C4 reporter and producer who regularly writes for The Independent and The Guardian. She has also recently launched her own business venture, Haven't Stopped Dancing Yet!

Places are limited (max 12) so book early!

Saturday, 9 July 2011

Award Winning Mumpreneur Antonia Chitty to speak at Businessmums Networking Lunch in Crystal Palace on Tuesday 18th October 2011

The South East London Mumpreneurs Network and Sell It Mama! are holding a Businessmums' Networking Lunch on Tuesday 18th October at the Exhibition Rooms in Crystal Palace, with award winning guest speaker Antonia Chitty, Founder of ACPR, editor of family friendly working and author of the Mumpreneur Guide.

In 2009, Antonia won the Inspirational Business Mum of the Year award, she will be sharing her story with other mumpreneurs and will be giving top tips from the Mumpreneur Guide and her recently launched book ' Do You Want Your Own Business'.

Antonia Chitty is the founder of ACPR which she created after the birth of her daughter in 2002.

Working with a team of freelancers and work from home mums, ACPR carved out a niche in baby and child PR, with an emphasis on eco-friendly products.

Antonia herself trains and coaches small business owners and entrepreneurs through the Mumpreneur Guide,  She is the author of books on business, health and parenting including, Do You Want Your Own Business, The Mumpreneur Guide's Start your Own Business Book and A Guide to Promoting Your Business, a practical work book for everyone who wants PR demystified and to learn simple low cost promotion techniques.

Antonia lives on the Sussex coast with her husband and three children. She enjoys writing books and blogging at a website based on one of her books.

To register for a lunch, please email or click on the link to register online

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Tuesday 14th June - Sell It Mama and SE London Mumpreneurs Businessmums Networking Lunch in Crystal Palace - with guest speaker Sam Willoughby - Founder of Whats on 4

Mums get advice from guest speaker - Sam Willoughby, Founder of at a Sell It Mama! and SE London Mumpreneurs Networking Lunch on the 14 June 2011, between 11.30am - 2pm at in the Exhibition Rooms in Crystal Palace.

Sam will be sharing her story with Mums and giving them advice and tips on how to make their business a success.

Sam Willoughby set up her business What's On 4  after having her baby when her employer wouldn't discuss a flexible return to work. She put together her own business experience and a situation she found herself in as a new Mum to launch  

Sam is passionate about flexible working for parents. Her website  offers advice, support and opportunities for any parent looking for that flexible career and the mumandworking awards supported by Sarah Beeny recognised other companies and individuals that share this passion.

Sam has won five business awards, speaks regularly to business women and has contributing to several books. Sam has also started mentoring other business women so they can achieve fast growth too.

Sam's advice to any woman thinking of starting her own business is "Get support from family and friends and professional advice too, then go for it. You’ll never have so much fun or work so hard and it will take you places you never would have imagined!”.

Come along and meet like-minded mums over a two course lunch with tips and encouragement from guest speaker Sam Willoughby.

You'll also have the opportunity to chat to other mums about their experiences, share ideas, get new business referrals and make new friends.

Event details: Businessmum’s Networking Lunch
Date: Tuesday 14 June 2011 - 11.30am-2pm
Venue: Exhibition Rooms, 69-71 Westow Hill, Crystal Palace, SE19 1TX
Cost: £25 per head
Lunch: Two course meal including water, tea and coffee
Guest speaker: Sam Willoughby of Whats on 4 -

To Register - just click here